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Friday, December 31, 2010

More than 40% of America is obese

That is an alarming number. Last year I did something about it. Now I'm working to help others. I can be a source of encouragement and be an ear to listen. The tools to do this will cost a little bit of money but compared to a gym membership they are nothing. Go to or write me with questions at Happy New Year everybody. Lets work together and build a better us.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 29, 2010 Let's Get Started

I know there are a lot of blogs that offer more sophisticated graphics or tutorials. I want to use this blog just as a way of us to support each other as we go through our transformation. I would challenge you right now that you don't need to wait until January to start this transformation. Go to and check out the products. You can spend thousands a year on a gym membership and supplements or make a small purchase and work out in the comfort of your home and get better results than the gym. Getting P90X or Insanity is like having a personal trainer in your living room with you. A personal trainer can cost $60 a session. That's costly and you don't need to do it. You motivation begins here. Take that step get the program that fits your fitness level and lets get healthy not for 2011 but for the rest of your lives. Well Happy New Year everybody.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New at bloggin


I'm relatively new to bloggin and now see that I have to create more posts to create more interests. My goal when I aksed my wife to help me to create this blog was to encourage people who wanted to get into shape and change their lives. I have been helping a lot of people at work and at church and now I want to help many more. I should tell you that I will be a source of encouragement but am not a personal trainer. I have not taken courses about physical fitness yet. What I do have is a success story. I was 40lbs over weight and made a difference in my life. I want to help you do the same. Let me know where your at in your physical fitness and if I don't have the answer I will find you the correct answer. Our bodies are like machines and they need to be treated that way. They need food for fuel. They need excercise to burn that fuel the same way a running engine burns gasoline. Imagine if you put gas in the tank and you never turn the engine on that gas will stay in the tank and then after a while go bad. Food sits in our tanks and after a while turns to fat. Lets encourage eachother and change this country one person at a time. Have an awesome week.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tooth Extraction Successful

So I did the string to the door to the tooth bit and Emilee did not like that one bit. She closed the door and there was a violent tug on her tooth and she started to cry. I looked at the tooth that was hanging on by a thread no punn intended and gave it a quick yank. She was so mad at me and cried until she saw the tooth and the tears stopped immediately. She is awesome. Another reason to get and stay in shape to be here for moments like this.

Oh Boy My Little Girl

My little Emilee is trying to pull her very wiggly tooth out tonight. Any takers on if she will succeed. Stay tuned and I'll let you know how she does.

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's a New Week.

Determine today to change. Determine today to eat right to exercise. Determine to become a new you. Do it for you. You have the power to do it. You are important. You count. Have a great day.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

We Did It

Well on the heels of Rock For Life my wife and I along with 7 great volunteers were able to get our Children's Church class rooms cleaned up. I feel the kids will really appreciate it when they see the effort that went into organizing the classes for them. I don't want them to feel like they are an after thought. Even though I did not get to workout I worked hard for 6 hours at the church and then did 2 hours of yard work when we came home. I love staying busy it makes me feel like I accomplished something and that I am making a difference. Ok have a great night.

Tired What to do?

My wife and I were out late last night to work at a benefit that helps provide assistance to young mothers or struggling families. We did not get home until about 11pm and that is after we worked all day. My wife is a stay at home mom and to me that is a full time job. I woke this morning feeling real tired so I decided to not work out! What? No work out! Yeah its ok I'll just switch to tomorrow. It's ok to do that. I worked on Thursday from 3pm until 11pm did not get to sleep until midnight was up at 5am to work out on Friday worked until 430pm then worked the benefit from 6pm until 1030pm and then we did not get to sleep until after midnight. I think that is why I was so tired. We are up early today to go to the church and clean all the Children's Church rooms so I think its ok to switch your rest day. How are the rest of you doing today? Remember to watch your food intake but at the same time remember to eat enough. Ok gotta run want to spend some time with my two daughters before we go. Have a great Saturday.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

P90X Plus

I started this new workout, well its new to me, called P90X+. It's P90X but harder. I started it on Monday and I am so sore. I guess that means it's working. It's four workouts that go suprisingly fast. We live in a fast paced world we're there is usually more things to do than time we have. Well I'm sore and I've kept my eating under control this week so far. How are the rest of you all doing? Have you started yet? Are you in the middle of your workouts? Are you a seasoned physically fit person and can offer tips to the other readers go for it. This is an open forum. Have a great day. Remember you have the power to change and you need to change for you.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Don't be shy

O come now there must be something some of you want to share such as success stories. Tips on how to get healthy or how to stay healthy. Don't be shy and share your story. You can share how you just got started and want suuport. You can share your battles and ask for help. Lets make this an interactive blog. Thanks for coming. Remember you have the power to change and you need to change for you and you alone.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Check Up

Hi everybody. I want to start a segment here we're you have the freedom to voice your feelings. What you are dealing with. What you hate about working out. What you love about working out. What foods you hate and like ect.......
I'll start ok? Well I love to eat my wifes cookies. They are the best. After a hard week I like to cut loose on Friday and eat what ever I like and then feel the pain of it on Saturday. I am very hard on myself at times thinking I should be much further along with my physique than where I am for the type of exercising I do. I know that I did not get out of shape over night and it will take time to really get to that place I want to be. I like to eat healthy at least 6 days a week. I like chicken, steak, meatballs, salad, vegetables, greek yogurt , Shakeology, and protein bars. I take vitamin supplements. I am a work in progress but am grateful for where I am at this point. I am blessed to be able to work out. Ok that's me for today. Keep this going I'm looking forward to sharing. Remember you have the power to change and you need to change for you.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Decide. Committ. Succeed.

Decide. Commit. Succeed. It really happens in that order.

The first thing you do is decide to take your life back. It's as if you have what a lot of experts call the "aha" moment. Yes, it has to be a hard steadfast decision to take your life back.

After you decide now it's time to commit. Researches say it takes two weeks to form a habit. Want to guess how long it will take for this to sink in initially. Yeah 2 weeks! Can you slip and stop working out after you start. You can but if you commit you wont want to. You'll start feeling results right away and then shortly after you'll see results. Remember we did not put weight on in one day or even one week dare I say one month. It will take you a little time to get the weight off so hang in there the day will come before you realize it and boom your doing great.

Succeed is the last step. I touched on it a little bit in the prior paragraph. Yes if you stick with your workouts and eating right you will feel results and then you will see results. Let me give you a little disclaimer"This is not going to be easy." Let me give you another disclaimer"This can be a lot of fun." I know you're probably thinking how is working out fun. How is not eating all the pleasures of life fun. Well all I can say to that is by doing both of those you see results. Your friends and family will see results. You'll be the talk of the office, your church, your clubs and your neighborhood. Everybody will want to know what you are doing. Do you want to know how I know? It happened to me. Everybody started asking me what are you doing? How did you lose all that weight? Well now they are using this same method and are using beachbody products which come with nutritional guides to succeed. 

Now you can sit here read this and think what a nice post this was but working out is not for me. I'll tell you that working out is for you but you don't know it yet because you're not doing it. You may say I don't have support everybody will laugh at me. I'll support you and nobody will laugh if they laugh they are only jealous you're taking your life back. Don't just read this and blow it off DECIDE. COMMIT. SUCCEED. 

Ok everybody have a great day if you have questions write to me at or just leave me a post here with a way to get in touch with you. Remember you have the power to change and you need to change for you. Lets get this ball rolling and create the biggest group of people this country has ever seen who are taking their life back. 


Sunday, August 8, 2010


I have been doing P90X for about a year now. Do I like it? I love it! I love it because the plan is all laid out for you. It provides a nutrition plan, the workouts, a support team and a step by step guide on how to complete each move! I've heard it called numerous things like "PX90" or "that P thing". If you have not tried it what are you waiting for. If you think you can't do it because you have not worked out in 10 years you are right! The great thing about the program is you work at your own pace pay no attention to what the people on the video are doing you do what you can. For example when working your back muscle Tony Horton has you do pull ups. Uh, Oh, I just heard somebody scream! I heard somebody else say "yeah right theres no way I can do a pull up". Yes You Can. You get a chair and put it underneath you and do pull ups while standing on the chair and work your way up to doing pull ups without the chair. Get it! You do what you can. Ok you can't do pull ups with the chair? Then get a resistance band and do lat pull downs. You put band in a door and close the door and then pull down. Usually the bands have a gismo that allows you to do this. See what I'm saying you make it work for you until you build your self up. Do push ups from your knees. Can't do a full squat do a half squat or heck do a quarter squat. Look the point is 25% (that being your best effort) is better than 0%.
Beachbody has the following disclaimer:

The P90X workout is backed by a 90 day, 100% money back guarantee.

If you’re not completely satisfied, simply return P90X within 90 days for a full refund of the purchase price (less S&H). We’ll even let you keep Ab Ripper X and the P90X Nutrition Plan as our way of saying thanks!

See no more excuses you should at least try go to and order yours now! You can't afford to not do this.  Take your life back now! I did it a year ago and feel awesome. I'm in the best shape of my life and you can be too. After you order hit me up at that website so we can start working together to help you achieve your goals just like somebody did for me. I am so grateful that somebody took time out to tell me about this product and now I'm paying it forward. Have an awesome week.

Friday, August 6, 2010

It's a Whole New Game

Ok I have to apologize for not posting since July 23. The funny thing about it is I think life just got in the way. My wife and I are very much involved in our church and we work with the children which takes up a lot of our time. Now for this weeks motivating message. Once you've made up your mind to change your life you need to just make it a whole new game. What do I mean? Everything has to change. Your mind set especially. I am reading a book on how to better handle your money and the author Dave Ramsey says that accomplishing something is 80% mental and 20% knowledge. That means you need to have the right attitude to change your life and become healthy. Do you eat that food that is bad for you or do you decide that you not to because you no in the long run you'll be better off? Do you go back to bed when you wake up and feel tired or do you complete your workout to the best of your ability? One will get you closer to being healthier the other will net you about 40 minutes more sleep until you have to get up for work. It's a whole new game and You Can Do It. Let me say that again You Can Do It. How can you do it? I recommend getting a workout program that meets your needs. If you have one great if you need one go to my website and get one. You need to have your food ready ahead of time. You can't eat healthy unless you have healthy food in your home. Go shopping get good proteins, whole grains, good carbs ect.... Make a plan scheduling your workouts a head of time. If you go to my website hit me up so I can help you by keeping you motivated. That's my goal is to help you like the person who helped me get to where I am. Trust me you all or as they say in the south Y'all, I hate getting up at 5am but I know its worth it. I know I'm worth it. I know my wife is worth it. I know my children are worth it. In closing take a deep breath and commit to a whole new game. Remember you need to be fit for you. You have the power to change. Have a great weekend. Thanks for following. Hit me up on facebook that's probably the best way for me to motivate you.


Friday, July 23, 2010

What Are You Going to Do About It!

I was speaking to a woman at Church the other day. She was talking to me about working out and staying fit. Her main obstacle was getting over the mental block that stops her from continuing her programs once she starts. She is all or nothing with how she does something. I think it's great to be zealous about what you are doing but if you miss a workout in a 7 day period it is not the end of the world nor is it an excuse to ditch the whole program. Just pick up on the next day after you miss and put the miss behind you. What if you eat a bad meal? Not the end of the world. Put the bad meal behind you and pick up eating what you are supposed to be eating. Well, Tim that is easy for you to say. It does not work that way for me. I can't just put it behind me. I need to think the process through. Sound like you or somebody you know. First and foremost working out and eating right is not easy. When discouragement comes it is so easy to say forget it I was happier before. You might be happy the first couple of days you sleep in or the first couple of days you eat bad but then you look at all your hard work going down the drain and get upset. You look for happiness and only find a glimpse of happiness in the food you eat or relaxing. Truth is you'll be much happier sweating, eating right and working out. You'll feel healthier. Aerobic activities increase blood flow to the brain and help keep your thinking sharp, your stress levels down, and depression at bay.

Your  The big question is "What Are You Going to Do About it!

1. When you miss a work out write down how you are feeling. In fact write down how you are feeling after every workout. That way when you look back you'll see some inspiring entry that you made the day before and it will motivate you to get right back on track.

2. Write down your goals. What do you want to do? Lose weight? Gain muscle? Run a race? Run with your children? No goal is too big or too small. Make sure you are the center of your goal. You need to obtain some joy from this too you know.

3. Get support. Surround yourself with other people who workout and are looking to get healthy one day at a time.

4. Remind yourself that this is a process. You did not get out of shape or put on weight overnight so you are not going to get rid of it over night. Be patient but endure to the end.

5. Try not to beat yourself up for missing a workout or having a bad meal or snack. It's going to happen more than once over a lifetime. I know this will be hard but just focus on the goals you wrote down pick yourself up and say " This is what I'm gonna do about it."

Now if some of you don't have a support system in place contact me. I'll motivate you encourage you and help keep you headed toward your goal. I don't charge for this there is no catch. I believe in the products I use but will help you no matter what products you use. You can write me at or I'll be there I promise. If you write just let me know that you are writing to me after reviewing this blog so I know you are legit otherwise I will just spam it. One last thing you need to be fit for you. You have the power to change you are worth it.

Have a great weekend.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Nice Day to Relax

Well I worked out 6 days last week and decided to take a day after church to just relax. Listen to your body. Don't push it too hard. The lbs did not go on in one week and will not come off in one week but they will come off with the right eating and exercising. Have a great Sunday.


Friday, July 9, 2010


Hi gang I hope everybody had an awesome 4th of July. Sorry I have not been around much. My wife and I are in the process of trying to put together a vacation bible school on top of our already busy lives. I know I posted a lot of information on here but here is the reality. If you want to live a good long life you've got to take care of yourself. Is it easy? No way! If it were easy they would call it an "easyout" instead of a "workout". The more important question is it something you can do? Is it something to strive for? Is it something that you will hate doing sometimes? The answer to all three is yes. I want to encourage you that if you have not taken time out to examine where you are physically or have not been to a doctor in some time to have a physical done then please do so. Your health is very important. We have no problem allowing people to check our credit but your health is way more important. Will you have to spend thousands of dollars? Some infomercials will try to sell you on all that. I have found only one proven company "Beachbody". I know there is alot to choose from as far as finding a workout program. Beachbody not only sells the program but they give you a nutritional guide to go along with it. They take the guess work out of getting into shape. It does not come any easier than that. If somebody would do that for home maintenance I would jump on that in a heart beat as I am not handy at all. Go to and poke around. Look for a program that you think will work for you and get it and then get started on the new you. Let me know what you decide and I will be there with you every step of the way. I want you to succeed. If I can do it you can do it. I was considered obese. Now I can run, I can do crunches, I can do pull ups and push ups and you know what I don't always hate it. If you have questions send me an email at Remember that you have the power to change, I'll get you the tools, and you need to do it for you. You count and you are important.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Why Do We Eat

Good morning all! I just got back from Vacation. By vacation I mean taking my girls to Disney, Kennedy Space Center, Disney Animal Kingdom and driving 20 hours each way to and from Fla. Boy were Diana and I tired. Last night I was beat my inhibitions were low and I started to feel bored so I thought about eating. I was not hungry but I wanted to eat. I got up and got a glass of water and had some pretzels. This is one of the many reasons we eat. By our very nature we are in the animal family but unlike animals who eat to live we live to eat. Once we conquer this thought of why we eat and what we eat more than half the battle is won on you will be well on your way to a healthy lifestyle. I know my wife has said to me that she eats when she is upset or stressed. It comforts her. I can relate and I bet many people can too. The sooner you understand why you eat the better. I want you to perform an exercise. The next time you are tempted to eat when you are not hungry write in your journal what emotions you are feeling. Do this and review your journal every week and then you will see why you are eating. Once you figure out why you are eating then the next thing you need to do is take authority over that emotion. Tell that emotion that it does not run you but you run the emotion. For me its a matter of telling the feeling I am in charge and then go workout or do something that keeps me busy or drinking water instead of eating. I know another method is to write instead of eating. Get your emotions out on paper and read it and then conquer it. We are in a fight here folks. Look around at all the unhealthy choices that are offered at the supermarkets, the fast food places with their dollar menus, theme parks and even in our schools. Lets take it back start eating smart and living longer. For example I eat a meal replacement shake for breakfast called shakeology. It has 70 ingredients and has antioxidants, energy boosts and essential vitamins your body needs. There is a cool presentation about it at It is good for you and tastes great. Ok gotta a lot of yard work to do after being gone for 11 days.

Remember you have the power to change and you need to change for you.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tip of the Week

I've been on vacation down in Fla. Did the Disney thing. I was able to avoid spending a lot of money and stayed in control of what I was eating  by packing lunch. Yes you can even do that on vacation. I also brought my Shakeology with me. You can do it to. You def have the power to change and you need to do it for you.

Monday, June 7, 2010


How did you do today? Did you exercise? How many calories did you eat? How did you feel about yourself? Do you think you are worth it? I sure think you are worth it. Make that decision today to change your life. Don't sit there and read this and think man I wish I could. You can you have that power. There is nothing stopping you except for you. Get rid of all negativity. Get rid of all the nay sayers. You are important. You count. Don't give up. Ok now for the tip of the week. Maybe you are feeling a little sluggish from working out. If you do try a recovery drink after you work out that will boost your effort while you work out. Beachbody put out a recovery drink called P90X Extreme results recovery drink. You can view it at I am sorry for plugging beachbody all the time but I just know the products work and they saved my life. I want to help others achieve the same results as me. Ok so if you are feeling sluggish use a recovery drink. Drink a lot of water throughout the day and your body will not store water for fear of dehydration. Drink just enough so that you are not going to the bathroom 3 times an hour. Any questions feel free to write me.

Remember you have the power to change and you need to do it for you. You count and you are important.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy Saturday

It's hot out there boys and girls. Make sure you stay hydrated. Bring water with you where ever you go. Ok I went over Calories, Carbs, Proteins and Fats. Now who wants to get into shape and change their life? Who wants to work out and learn to eat right? In order to do this you need to do something first. Look in the mirror and tell the person looking back at you and tell them that you like them, tell them that you love them. Tell them that they are worth it. Tell them that they are funny, nice, cool, charismatic or what ever positive names you can come up with. In my faith we believe that negativity comes from the devil. I know it sounds silly but for me I believe it to be true. Ok now for your home work. Get a notebook and label it your success journal. Divide the notebook into 2 parts. One part will be your eating for the day the other part will be your work out for the day. You can use 1 sheet of paper and write on both sides if you want. Write down what you are eating and the calories, proteins, carbs and fats that are in it. At the end of the day add everything up and see how many calories, proteins, carbs and fats you are taking in. To find out whats in food you'll need to read the labels. On the other side write down any exercise you've done that day. Write down calories burned. If you need to get a heart rate monitor. If you don't know where to get one go to my website Get into the habit of doing this and after a while you'll be able to look at a portion and know excatly what you are getting. I would recommend packing your lunch so you have complete control over what you are eating. Ok to recap:

1. Get a notebook to track your eating and exercise.
2. Write down daily intake of Calories, Carbs, Proteins and Fats.
3. Write down daily exercise and calories burned.
4. Pack your lunch.
5. Get a heart rate monitor.

Ok that is only the beginning but if you do the above you will lose weight. You will get the results you want. I will stress again there is no miracle pill, machine, powder or exercise program. There are programs that work if you work and eat right. I prefer P90X if you want to see what that is about go to They give you a recap on that program and others. I know time is a factor for most that's why I love to workout at home. Ok folks lets do this together. Lets win our lives back one day at a time. Most important thing to remember is that you did not get out of shape in 1 day or 1 week or 1 month and did not put on unwanted pounds in that short period of time. However follow me and we will together make that lifestyle change that will last a long, long time.

Remember you have the power to change and you need to change for you. You count and you are important.


Thursday, June 3, 2010


I wanted to do a tip for the week but keeping up on a blog is hard work so my hat is off to you experienced bloggers. Over the past 9 months I have been gaining control over my physical well being. I used products from Beachbody such as P90X and Insanity. They really worked for me so I decided to sign up as a coach with them so I can bring their products to others. My website is check it out. If I can do it you can to it. Ok now for the tip. I love ice cream, hot dogs, cookies ect..... You know all those good tasting things you are not allowed to have when getting into shape. When you feel like having those things write them down in a note book. Start on Sunday and finish on Friday. Come saturday start picking from your list what you want to eat and go for it. There is no way you'll be able to eat everything on your list if you were honest during the week. Remember you have the power to change and you need to do it for you. Not for your spouse, children, parents, friends, future spouse ect...... You count and you are important.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

What a beautiful day here in sunny NY. Memorial Day a time to reflect on those who sacrificed for this great country. To the brave men and women who have died, served or that are still serving today I salute you. My prayers and my thoughts are with all of you.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Hello one and all. So sorry I've been so busy lately and have not had time to post. My wife and I are preparing a Vacation Bible School. I was gearing up for a Torch Run to support the Special Olympics and completed an 8.5 mile run. I've been getting my new business up and running it deals with fitness and fitness products. I hope everybody is doing well and has a great Memorial Day Weekend. As a Veteran I am very much aware of what sacrifice is and I would ask that everybody take time out to at least thank a Veteran or remember a Veteran for the sacrifice they gave or are giving for this county.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

As promised FATS

Check out this link it really breaks down FATS better than I ever could.

Fats are important to the body. I remember back in the 80's the craze was no fat diets. Then in the 90's the craze was no carb diets. Final things have come full circle and the health industry is preaching balanced diets.
Thank God for that. My wife is going to guest post on here today. As always remember you have the power to change and you need to do it for you. You count and you are important. God loves you and you should too. Have an awesome day.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Insanity Video

I know I still owe information about Fats and how they affect the body and I will do that later today but check out this link I found on Insanity. If you have questions afterwards go to and drop me an email. I think you'll see first hand how great Insanity is!!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


What are proteins? How do they help us?  Well they are complex natural compound: a complex natural substance that has a globular or fibrous structure composed of linked amino acids. Proteins are essential to the structure and function of all living cells and viruses.

2. food rich in protein: a food source that is rich in protein molecules

"a balanced diet of fresh vegetables, fruit, and protein" (Source:
What the heck does all that mean? Basically you need protein to build muscles. Your body also uses a lot more energy to break down protein than it does to break down carbs.
From Georgetown University we find out this:
Protein is necessary for the building and repair of body tissues.

It produces enzymes, hormones, and other substances the body uses.

It regulates body processes, such as water balancing, transporting nutrients, and making muscles contract.

Protein keeps the body healthy by resisting diseases that are common to malnourished people.

Prevents one from becoming easily fatigued by producing stamina and energy.

Protein is found in muscles.

Protein is found in muscles, bone, hemoglobin, myoglobin, hormones, antibodies, and enzymes, and makes up about 45% of the human body. Muscle is approximately 70% water and only about 20% protein. Therefore, increasing muscle mass requires extra water, extra energy in the form of carbohydrates (to maintain the needs of that extra muscle), and a little extra protein.

According to Dr. Dan Benardot, for an athlete increasing muscle mass at an extraordinarily high rate of 1 kg/week (2.2 lbs of extra muscle per week), only 4 extra ounces of meat per day would be needed. In most surveys that have been done on athletes, protein intake from food far exceeds requirements. The generally accepted athlete requirement for protein is between 1.5 and 2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight. Many studies show that athletes commonly consume well over 3.0 grams per kilogram of body weight. Most athletes need slightly more protein than non athletes. However, muscle strength, size, and shape comes from athletic training, not dietary protein intake

Two to three servings of lean meat or alternatives each day should give enough protein to meet requirements.

Vegetarian athletes may need two to three servings of legumes, eggs, nuts, seeds or additional dairy products each day.

How do I Get the Right Proteins?

Complete proteins are foods that contain all of the essential amino acids. These foods include beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and just about anything else derived from animal sources. Incomplete proteins do not have all of the essential amino acids and generally include vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds and nuts. Vegetarians can get complete proteins from their foods by combining incomplete proteins. To get all of the essential amino acids, simply choose foods from two or more of the columns.

Grains Legumes Seeds & Nuts Vegetables

Barley Beans Sesame Seeds Leafy Greens

Corn Meal Lentils Sunflower Seeds Broccoli

Oats Peas Walnuts

Rice Peanuts Cashews

Pasta Soy Products Other Nuts

Whole Grain Breads

How to Calculate Your Protein Needs: The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) says: .8 grams of protein for every 1 kilogram body weight.

1. Weight in pounds divided by 2.2 = weight in kg

2. Weight in kg x 0.8-1.8 gm/kg = protein gm

Use a lower number if you are in good health and are sedentary. Use a higher number (between 1 and 1.8) if you are under stress, are pregnant, are recovering from an illness, or if you are involved in consistent and intense weight or endurance training.

Example: 154 lb male who is a regular exerciser and lifts weights

154 lbs/2.2 = 70kg

70kg x 1.5 = 105 gm protein/day

Average Protein Intakes

Age Height (inches) Weight (pounds) Protein g/day

Females 15-18 64 120 44

19-24 65 128 46

Males 15-18 69 145 59

19-24 70 160 58

Protein Found in Food

I know I did not write this but I hope this helps. You need to learn to balance what you eat with the right amount of protein and the right amount of carbs. Tomorrow we'll discuss fats. Remember that you have the power to change and you need to change for you. You count and you're important. God loves you and you should love you just the way you are.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Carbs, Protein and Fats

Carbohydrate: Mainly sugars and starches, together constituting one of the three principal types of nutrients used as energy sources (calories) by the body. Carbohydrates can also be defined chemically as neutral compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Carbohydrates come in simple forms such as sugars and in complex forms such as starches and fiber. The body breaks down most sugars and starches into glucose, a simple sugar that the body can use to feed its cells. Complex carbohydrates are derived from plants. Dietary intake of complex carbohydrates can lower blood cholesterol when they are substituted for saturated fat.

Carbohydrates are classified into mono, di, tri, poly and heterosaccharides. The smallest carbohydrates are monosaccharides such as glucose whereas polysaccharides such as starch, cellulose and glycogen can be large and even indeterminate in length.

The energy produced by carbohydrates is 4 calories per gram.

Etymology: Carbohydrates are called carbohydrates because the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen they contain are usually in the proportion to form water with the general formula Cn(H2O)n.

To find out how many grams of carbs you'll be eating taking your total caloric intake for the day. Using a standard of 40% of your diet will be carbs multiply by that 40% then divide by 4.

Lets say I eat 1900 calories a day.
40% of that is 760 calories
Divide by 4 and your total daily intake of carbs in grams is 190 grams.

Sorry I could not do more today I caught a case at work and was stuck there late today. Tomorrow I will address proteins and fat. If you looking for a good workout program hit my shop button and poke around a bit. Ok just remember you have the power to change and you need to change for you. You count and you are important.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Sunday All

Ok well Happy Sunday everybody. Sunday is a cool day as it is technically the first day of the week while most of us think it's Monday as that is the start of the work week. I am going to try to take every Sunday and give you a tip of the week. Tomorrow I will share on carbs, protein and fat that I said I would address today. Sunday is cool  because it is the beginning. A chance to start a new. Use today to shrug off all those worries and struggles you might have had this week and start over today. Don't worry about bumps in the road as you can use them to learn from. Ok now for the tip of the week.

Tip #1. Pack your meals. If you pack your meals and bring them with you then you are in control of the calories you take in. For example I usually have a Shakeology meal replacement shake, a protein bar, a protein shake, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a bag of peanuts or pretzels that I take with me for the day. On another day I will have a protein bar, oatmeal, a smart size portion of left overs, protein shake and peanuts or pretzels or fruit for my snack. Planning ahead will definitely make a difference when it comes to changing your body.

As always remember you have the power to change and you need to change just for you. You count and your important. God loves you so you should love you.

Happy Sunday!!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010


First and foremost thank you to my wife for putting this blog out there. Second and if not for my wife would be first thank you all for the kind words and feedback. Let me encourage you all if I can do this you can do this. I am not an athlete or athletically gifted I just put my mind to it and my body did the rest.

Calories what are they? A calorie is a unit of energy. When you read the amount of calories a particular food has that means how much energy you can get from that item. If you don't use that energy it turns to fat.

Rule of thumb when losing weight: When you determine how many calories you need subtract 500 from that number. The reason you subtract 500 is because it takes 3500 calories to equal 1 lb. 500 times 7 days equals 3500.

How to calculate how many calories you need is not a perfect science but I found a formula that works to get you in the ball park:

Women 655 + (4.3xweight in lbs) + (4.7xheight in inches) - (4.7xage in years) this will equal you BMR - Basal metabolic rate or the rate at which your body burns calories you would need this to just survive.

Men 66+(6.3xweight in lbs) +(12.9xheight in inches) - (6.8xage in years) then add the number below just like the women.

Now take that number and multiply it by :
20% if you are sedentary
30% if you are lightly active
40% if you are moderately active
50% if you are very active
Then add the number you get to you BMR and this is how many calories you need to function while exercising.

After you get this number subtract 500 calories to lose 1lb a week.
My BMR is 1989 calories I work out hard so I need to add 994 calories to that now I subtract 500 calories and my daily intake should be 2483 calories. Now I subtract another 500 calories and am now burning 2lbs a week but I don't go below that. If you start to feel sluggish you need to add more calories.

Ok hope this helps. Tomorrow I'll talk about proteins, carbs and fats.......
Remember that you have the power to change and you need to change for you. You count and you are important.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Helllllo Visitors from New Friend Friday

Hey visitors from New Friend Friday! It's Diana from The Girl Creative hijacking my husband's new blog!!! Really, it's going to be "our" blog about our weight loss success stories but while it's still getting up and running I wanted to pop over here and welcome everyone!

Writing this post is super fun for me because it's not everyday that  I get to show off Mr. GC and brag about what a great job he has done losing weight. As a struggler of weight myself, I know just how hard it is to exercise, lose weight and STAY FOCUSED!  He truly is my inspiration. He gets up at the crack of dawn and works out when he'd rather be sleeping (while I'm snoring away in dreamland!) and boy oh boy, his hard work has paid off. He looks great and I'm so proud of him. :) Check out his before and after pictures in the sidebar. Amazing!

I hope you won't mind my shameless plug for him but I'd love for you to follow this blog and make his day. I will have lots of "splaining" to do when he wakes up and sees this post! LOL

Thanks so much for stopping by!


Getting Started

When I decided to make a lifestyle change and get into shape the first thing I did was I went to my MD and received a physical. I wanted to see where I was and to see what if any limitations would be placed on me. Thankfully I did not have any limitations and was able to start working out. Next I set goals that I wanted to achieve. My first goal was to make it through a round of P90X. I did not focus on weight at all. The next goal was to reach a certain weight of which I am 3lbs away. My new goal is help at least 100 people achieve their fitness goals this year. I know its a lofty challenge but I received support while I was getting into shape and so I want to pay it forward. Remember you have the power to change and you need to change for you. You are worth it and you count. Be encouraged today smile look at yourself and appreciate the person in the mirror. When you go out today lift your head up high to indicate you are well on your way to becoming more physically fit. To recap you should see your MD prior to taking on any workout program and you need to set goals. Tomorrow we'll talk about work out plans from Beachbody that can work for you and we'll talk about calories what are they and how they affect your body.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why? Why? Why?

Ever looked into the mirror and asked "why me God?" I have and I wondered why I could not be in the same athletic condition as other people I knew or saw on tv. Once I decided that I was ok with who I was and that all I needed was a healthy lifestyle change things just started to flow in the right direction. In speaking with people I've heard a gambit of reasons why people want to get in shape. I want to impress a guy/girl, I want to look good for the summer, fit into that dress, I'm making a presentation and don't want to get up in front of people looking like this, and the list goes on. While they are all valid reasons to make that lifestyle change and get into the best shape of your life they are temporary goals with temporary solutions attached called diets. What happens when you reach your goals? When you meet that someone special or when the wedding day has come and gone? The weight comes right back on and we fall into a rut. I think it's important that we look in the mirror and tell yourself that you love yourself. I know it sounds silly but it's important. Why would anybody treat you different than the way you treat you. Remember that you count, your important, and you have the power to change for you. Maybe others will benefit when you change but first and foremost it's for you. List some of the reasons you have used in the past to lose weight and get into shape and see how they turned out for you. God loves you for who you are and so should you. Now let's make sure we get up every morning on the journey to fitness look into that mirror smile and love yourself for being you.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oh all those diet products and plans!

I have tried it all folks. Gold's Gym, World Gym, local Gyms, Planet Fitness,  Eat right for your type, pills, shakes, powders, ab roller, The T Plan, Body for Life, Xenadrin, Atkins, Southbeach and a host of other products. A few of them had really good results but after I got the results I was back to the same old routine of making poor food choices and not working out. This probably happened because I did not set a realistic goal and the goal was not for me but we'll get into that tomorrow. Those products listed above had temporary results not entirely based on the products but also not entirely based on me. Those products did not present the right plan (except for Body For Life) or keep me really focused.  Then I found out about Beachbody and P90X. Wow what a difference this program was from all the others. The way the workouts were designed with muscle confusion and an eating plan you get from the Beachbody website makes it easy to comprehend and utilize. They give you the schedule and the equipment you need is minimal. The results were commensurate with my effort and they were good.  After I did 2 rounds of P90X  I did Insanity also from Beachbody and the results were even better. I believe in these Beachbody products. They helped me make a lifestyle change not just go on a diet. Diets are temporary but lifestyle changes stick with you for life. Beachbody surrounds you with a support system designed to help you succeed. Remember the 2 most important factors when it comes to a lifestyle change: 1. You have the power to make a lifestyle change and 2. You need to do it for you. Your worth making this lifestyle change for and you count. You can do it so lets get ripped together.


Monday, May 10, 2010

My Story

As far back as I can remember my wife and I watched the NBC hit show "The Biggest Loser". The irony is that I used to sit on the couch and watch this show while I would eat a big bowl of ice cream with various toppings and whipped cream. When I hit 250 lbs on my 5'11" frame and had outgrown yet another pair of pants I knew I was in need of a change. My wife agreed so we started to eat different. We would cut our portions in half. I would go to the gym. At first the results were awesome I lost some 20 lbs and felt great. Then the great wall hit and I never lost any more weight. I was in a rut at the gym and I saw my weight and clothes sizes going up. As I said I was going to the gym merely going through the motions. Getting up at 5am and getting back home by 630am getting ready for work and starting the cycle all over the next day.

In June of 2009 I was speaking to a co-worker who had talked about a program called P90X. I had seen the infomercials and was not at all interested. I thought that would never work for me. In August of 2009 when my fitness levels were declining, my weight was on the incline I decided to give it a try. I bought dumbbells from Bowflex, got my P90X from Beachbody and on August 24, 2009 started my journey to being physically fit. I started weighing 234lbs and now weigh 203lbs. I started off wearing pants size 40 to 42 pants. I now wear pants size 34 to 36. I'm in great shape and feel that there is nothing I can't accomplish.

When I was finished with P90X I ordered another Beachbody product called Insanity. Wow what a program and the results were awesome. As I drew near the end of Insanity I got to thinking that if I, an ordinary person with not a lick of athletic ability, can do these programs and take my life back I can certainly help others do the same. I want to help mothers, fathers, daughters and sons, friends and strangers alike.

I learned 2 very important things along my journey and they are this. 1. I have the power to change my life. 2. I am changing for me!

To sum up I want to let you know that I am a born again Christian who is thankful to God for all the changes I've been able to make over the past 8 months. I just want to help people as part of the solution. I am not offering a miracle pill, drink, elastic waist band, treadmill or any of the other gadjets that are on tv. No, I am offering friendship so that working together we can achieve what you want for you. You deserve to bfit4u.