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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Worked out with Tony Horton founder of P90X

I've been talking to a lot of people lately about fitness and eating right in general. Most people don't want to be un-healthy. They are just terrified about putting in a whole lot of time at a gym and not getting results or they are intimidated by most work out programs. In talking with most people I mentioned a program by Beachbody that is perfect for beginners. It's called 10 minute trainer. You do 10 excercises in 10 minutes and will definately burn calories. Plus it's a nice way to break into working out if you have never worked out before. It's not exspensive and in fact they are running a special on it right now at I want to say its about $60.00 and comes with bands, the dvd's, a work out schedule and oh yes the best part it comes with me for encouragement. We can do this we just need to take the first step and decide to commit to succeed. You can do it and you need to do it for you. You are worth it you count and you are special. If you need me just write I'll be there. If you want to get in touch with me just write leave me a way to talk to you and we'll talk. I'm here for you. Let's do this!!!

Tim Miller

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